Linux + Raspberry Pi + Daheng Imaging Camera

In this example we show how to install the Linux Python SDK on a raspberry Pi3, using an industrial USB3 Vision camera from Daheng Imaging.

In this example we show how to run the C++  GxViewer example program on a raspberry Pi3, using an industrial USB3 Vision camera from Daheng Imaging.

Daheng Imaging Camera -

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3D tomato seedling sorting - MVTec Halcon

The manual grading of seedlings at companies involved in plant growing and breedingis both labour-intensive, time consuming and expensive. 

Now, an automated system that uses 3D-vision techniques in combination with knowledge-based formalisms has been developed to grade seedlings according to their quality. The system has already been installed by Flier Systems BV at the Westlandse Plantenkwekerij (WPK).

Find more information about Halcon here:

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3D profiling and portioning cheese with machine vision - LMI Gocator

This application uses the LMI Gocator 2340. A stand-alone easily set up 3D machine vision solution to calculate where a piece of cheese needs to be cut in order to get exact portions of 100 gram.

Find more information about LMI Gocator here:

Find more information about Machine Vision here: