HDevelop Tutorial 02: Variables – MVTec HALCON

HDevelop features two types of variables: iconic variables, which consist of images, regions, and contours, and control variables, which consist of numbers, strings, and handles. 

You can download the corresponding example program here: https://www.mvtec.com/news-press/video/detail/hdevelop-tutorial-02-variables-mvtec-halcon/


1:11 Iconic variables

2:38 Control variables

3:26 Tuples and arrays

You will learn how to access all the important information about the variables your program uses. Additionally, you will learn about tuples and arrays and how to use them intelligently to avoid loops in your program. 

In this video, HALCON 12 is used. The code can be easily adaptable to latest Halcon version.

Find more information about Halcon here: https://mvtec.com

Find more information about Machine Vision here: http://advanceultravision.com/